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Web Development Practicals


Sr.Practical TitleAnswer
1Demonstration of Web Browsers: Different components, Checking SSL Certificates, Inspect Elements, Browser Console, view Source etc.Solution
2Basic HTML Programming
1. Creating Sample HTML pages using tags like, headers, paragraphs, alignments, divisions, lists etc.
2. Create tables in HTML
3. Displaying Images in HTML 
3HTML Forms
1. Basics of Form Development Practical: text fields, radios, buttons, checkboxes
 2. Advanced Form Development Practical: Combo, Date, File Upload 
4CSS Programming
1. Basics of CSS programming Practical: Class, Id, changing properties like color, size, background etc.
2. CSS 3 Programming Practical: shadow, orientation, transformation, gradient etc. 3. Positioning practical in CSS: Absolute and relative positioning, Z-inde
1. Basic JS Practical: script tags, alerts, documents, functions, arrays, loops, and conditions
2. Advanced JS Practical: Objects, DOM references: getElementById, InnerHTML etc
6JavaScript and Event Listeners
1. Listeners and JavaScript Practical: Mouse motion, movement, keyboard
2. Perform Regular Expressions and validation using JavaScript 
1. Write a PHP script to upload a file to server.
 2. Write a PHP script to get the value from one form and display it into other form. 3. Write a PHP script for login authentication. Design an html form which takes username and password from user and validate against stored username and password in file.
8Write PHP script for storing and retrieving user information from MySql table.
1. Design an Html page which takes Name, Address, Email and phone from user. ( registration.php)
2. Store this data in MySQL database.
3. Next page displays all user in html table using PHP (display.php)
9Write a PHP program to store page views count in SESSION, to increment the count on each refresh, and to show the count on web pageSolution
10Create REST API using PHP to send the form data like username, email into the database and test that API. Solution
11Mini Project (Part 1: Front End):
Develop a website for registration of newly admitted students.
The site should contain following pages:
1. Student Sign-up Page
2. Student Login Page
3. Forgot Password Page
4. Student Registration Page
5. Upload Documents Page
6. Edit Current Profile Page 
12Mini Project (Part 2: Back End):
Develop Database connectivity along with CRUD operations for website developed in Part 1.
The backend architecture should contain following tables:
1. Student Login Table: Contains login credentials for student authentication
2. Student Registration Table: Contains all the information provided by the student through the registration page
3. Document Track Table: This table contains track of documents uploaded by the student.

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