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Data Structures(DS) Practicals


Sr.Practical TitleAnswer
1• Write a program to insert/delete in linear array at specific position.
• Write a program to remove duplicate elements from liner array.
• Write a program to read 10 integers in an array. Sort them out on the basis of number of digits in each element.
2• Demonstrate the concept of Call by value and Call by Reference.
• Write a program to prints array elements in reverse orders applying pointers
• Write program to implement stack and simple queue using array
3• Write a program for stack using array for the following operations: Push, Pop, Peek and IsEmpty.
• Write a program for queue using array for the following operations: Enqueue, Dequeue, IsEmpty, IsFull.
• Write a program for circular queue using array for the following operations: Enqueue, Dequeue, IsEmpty, IsFull.
4• Write a program for single linked list for the following operations:
1. Count the number of nodes in a given linked list
2. Delete the desired node from linked list
3. Insert the new node after the desired node into the linked list
4. Create a new list by reversing the list 5. Concatenates two linked list
• Write a program for stack using linked list for the following operations: Push, Pop, Peek and IsEmpty.
• Write a program for queue using linked list for the following operations: Enqueue, Dequeue, IsEmpty, 
5• Write a program of conversion of an expression from infix to Postfix, Prefix.
• Write a program to evaluate postfix expression.
6• Write a program to implement doubly linked list for the following operations:
1. Insert a new node after the desired node
2. Delete the desired note
3. Display the nodes of doubly linked list
• Write a program to implement circular doubly linked list for the following operations:
1. Insert a new node after the desired node
2. Delete the desired note
3. Display the nodes of doubly linked list
7• Write a program to construct binary search tree.
• Write a program to travers binary search tree.
8• Write a program to construct AVL tree Solution
9• Write a program to demonstrate DFS and BFS.
• Write a program for given a directed graph, and check whether the graph contains a cycle or not. It should print true if the given graph contains at least one cycle, else it should print false.
• Write a program to implement minimum spanning tree algorithm
10• Write a program to implement binary search
• Write a program to implement: Bubble sort, Radix sort, Selection
11• Write a program to implement: Quick sort, Merge sort, Insertion sort
• Write a program to implement the mechanism to handle hash collision by:
1. Separate chaining
2. Open addressing

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