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Smart Cities – Management of Smart Urban Infrastructures Coursera Quiz Answers 2023

 Week 1 Answers

Question 1

As seen in this MOOC, cities can be studied from different perspectives, and as different types of systems, which can be...

1 point

Question 2

What are the main layers that are used to conceptualize urban systems in this block?

1 point

Question 3

What are the three key metrics used in this course to characterize the performance of urban infrastructure systems?

1 point

Question 4

As seen in this block, how does the conceptualization of smart cities differ from the traditional conceptualization of urban systems?

1 point

Question 5

Which of the following components enables the development of the data layer for Smart Cities?

1 point

Question 6

Which of the following definitions best describes digitalization?

1 point

Question 7

Which option best described how digitalization is being used to improve value chains?

1 point

Question 8

Which of the following options are not examples of digitalization?

1 point

Question 9

According to this MOOC, what are the two main visions for implementing a smart city?

1 point

Question 10

A Socio-Technical system can be defined as...

1 point

Question 11

Which of the following smart city visions relies on a technology-push approach?

1 point

Question 12

One of the key disruptions caused by digitalization relates to the fact that the value chain information mirrored in the data layer can be used to improve the layer or create new services and business models which allow companies to find new ways to profit. True or false?

1 point

Question 13

Smart cities can be seen from a...

1 point

Question 14

According to this MOOC, how does digitalization affect non-scalable industries, such as the taxi industry?

1 point

Question 15

According to the lectures, which of the following statements is more accurate about the impact of digitalizaiton on management of cities as socio-technical systems?

1 point
 Week 2 Answers

Question 1

According to this MOOC, what are the three main drivers of the transition towards smart urban energy systems?

1 point

Question 2

What percentage of global primary energy is consumed in cities?

1 point

Question 3

According to this MOOC, which key elements drive the smart urban energy transition?

1 point

Question 4

According to this MOOC, which of the following actors is not involved in the operation of smart urban energy systems?

1 point

Question 5

Which option best defines price signals?

1 point

Question 6

Which of the following actors is the least involved in the management of smart urban energy systems?

1 point

Question 7

According to this MOOC, who are the main smart energy service customers?

1 point

Question 8

Which of the following options best describes smart energy balancing?

1 point

Question 9

According to this MOOC, who are the customers of demand side management services?

1 point

Question 10

What are the main challenges for urban managers in the infrastructure layer?

1 point

Question 11

Which of the following is not one of the main smart urban energy system challenges for policymakers in the data layer?

1 point

Question 12

From a social perspective, what are the main challenges for policymakers?

1 point

Question 13

Which of the following is a target customer for smart balancing services?

1 point

Question 14

According to this MOOC, what are the three main kinds of smart urban energy services?

1 point

Question 15

Which of the following is not an example of smart and integrated energy services?

1 point
 Week 3 Answers

Question 1

By the year 2050, what is the rate of urbanization expected to be worldwide?

1 point

Question 2

Which of the following statements is more accurate?

1 point

Question 3

What percentage of global CO2 emissions originate from the urban transportation sector?

1 point

Question 4

Digitalization is leading transportation systems to a change in paradigm characterized by a shift...

1 point

Question 5

According to this MOOC, what are the two pathways of transition towards smart urban transportation systems?

1 point

Question 6

According to this MOOC, what are the two main trends under the improve pathway?

1 point

Question 7

Which option describes Level 2 of vehicle automation, according to the U.S. Department of Transportation?

1 point

Question 8

What are two new communication processes that need to be developed in order to ensure the successful introduction of automated vehicles?

1 point

Question 9

According to this MOOC, which of the following are key challenges in the service layer for the successful introduction of automated vehicles?

1 point

Question 10

Which of the following options are examples of mobility services that rely on sharing economy processes?

1 point

Question 11

Which of the following statements regarding Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) and Integrated Mobility Platforms (IMP) is correct?

1 point

Question 12

As seen in this block, which of the following is not an example of an emerging business model in the mobility sector?

1 point

Question 13

According to this MOOC, which of the following are smart urban mobility challenges in the infrastructure layer for policymakers?

1 point

Question 14

According to this MOOC, in the Smart Mobility domain, which of the following are challenges for policymakers from a political perspective?

1 point

Question 15

According to this MOOC, in the Smart Mobility domain, which of the following are challenges for urban managers from a technological perspective?

1 point
 Week 4 Answers

Question 1

What are three key factors that exists in most of complex systems?

1 point

Question 2

Feed-back loops are defined as...

1 point

Question 3

What should managers and planners avoid to insure successful transition towards smart cities?

1 point

Question 4

Which of these approaches are necessary to successfully transition towards smart cities, given the complex nature of cities as socio-technical systems?

1 point

Question 5

Which of the following factors can be seen as a key driver of the dynamicity of a system?

1 point

Question 6

Which of the following options best describes the S curve?

1 point

Question 7

What are the main issues faced when adopting a crowd-sensing approach to data collection?

1 point

Question 8

According to this MOOC, which of the following questions pertaining the data layer transition must be addressed by industry stakeholders?

1 point

Question 9

According to this MOOC, which of the following questions pertaining the data layer transition must be addressed by city authorities?

1 point

Question 10

What is the right sequencing of questions regarding the definition and development of the data layer, based on the lectures in this block?

1 point

Question 11

According to this MOOC, what is a main requirement to ensure proper identification and access in the data layer?

1 point

Question 12

According to this MOOC, what are some examples of stakeholders who could already own the data generated in smart cities?

1 point

Question 13

When referring to the necessity of a holistic approach in managing the transition in socio-technical systems, which of the below dimensions are of most importance?

1 point

Question 14

Why is there a clash between traditional infrastructure regulation and in-development data regulation ?

1 point

Question 15

What is the primary advantage of AI (Artificial Intelligence) for the management of urban systems?

1 point
 Week 5 Answers

Question 1

According to this MOOC, what are the three main challenges in the service layer to transition towards smart cities?

1 point

Question 2

What are the indicators by which the Universal Services Obligations are measured?

1 point

Question 3

What are the three questions raised in relation to the affordability of Universal Services Obligations?

1 point

Question 4

Among the providers for these basic services, competition exists; however, there is a trend towards the concentration of the market shares. This leads the way to monopolies, which could significantly improve service quality. True or false?

1 point

Question 5

Which of the following statements are incorrect?

1 point

Question 6

According to this MOOC, what are the two main alternatives for political priorities when planning a transition towards a smart city?

1 point

Question 7

Which of the following statements best describes the digital divide?

1 point

Question 8

According to this MOOC, what is a key risk of setting smart city infrastructure development as a political priority?

1 point

Question 9

How can we ensure that the smart city services providers are not cream-skimming the infrastructure?

1 point

Question 10

According to this MOOC, from an environmental perspective, what are the transition challenges for urban managers ?

1 point

Question 11

What are the three steps to roll-out the use of big data analytics in cities?

1 point

Question 12

How are big data analytics differentiated from traditional data analytics?

1 point

Question 13

What percentage of the data gathered is not directly exploitable (considered "dark-data")?

1 point

Question 14

Which of the following technologies can be used to analyze "dark-data"?

1 point

Question 15

Which technological development can be considered as an efficient way to gather data from different channels?

1 point

Final EXAM Answers

Question 1

What are the key trends that have encouraged a shift towards decentralized electricity generation?

1 point

Question 2

From an economic perspective, what are the main challenges in smart urban energy systems for urban managers ?

1 point

Question 3

According to this MOOC, which of the following are smart urban mobility challenges in the service layer for urban managers?

1 point

Question 4

In the context of automated vehicles, which of the following scenarios is the most likely to occur in urban transportation systems?

1 point

Question 5

According to this MOOC, why is it important to have flexibility when transitioning into a smart city?

1 point

Question 6

According to this MOOC, what are the requirements for properly interconnecting the telecommunications infrastructures through the communications network?

1 point

Question 7

According to this MOOC, what are the five dimensions that must be considered when transitioning to smart cities?

1 point

Question 8

According to this MOOC, what are the main infrastructure challenges in the smart city transition?

1 point

Question 9

According to this MOOC, which of the following options best describes the main consequence of digitalization?

1 point

Question 10

According to this MOOC, which of the following are examples of demand side management?

1 point

Question 11

According to this MOOC, what are some characteristics of the shift in the habits of city dwellers?

1 point

Question 12

Fill in the blanks:

Cities are composed of interdependent sub-systems, in which the changes in one subsystem may affect the performance of others. As such, the combination of the (1) of all subsystems results in the performance of the city. Additionally, these systems present high (2): every change or decision made in a socio-technical system is dependent on changes and decisions that were made in the past. Lastly, there is an element of (3) to these systems; the impacts of decisions made and changes introduced in the past are (4) and cannot be undone.

1 point

Question 13

According to this MOOC, which of the following are examples of additional urban subsystems in which a smart city transition could also be implemented?

1 point

Question 14

What are examples of technologies used to analyze "Big Data"?

1 point

Question 15

Which of the following are examples of data generating devices?

1 point

Question 16

According to this MOOC, what is the main trend enabling the transition towards a smart city?

1 point

Question 17

According to this MOOC, which industries are most affected by digitalization?

1 point

Question 18

Which of the following is not a prerequisite for the development and transition towards smart cities?

1 point

Question 19

Which of the following best defines a prosumer?

1 point

Question 20

What are the three kinds of data that can be generated by smart energy systems?

1 point

Question 21

According to this MOOC, which two options best describe the different views of the smart energy data layer?

1 point

Question 22

What are the three drivers of the transition towards smart mobility systems?

1 point

Question 23

Under the improve pathway, what is the main challenge for the infrastructure layer?

1 point

Question 24

According to this MOOC, what are examples of transportation schemes that enable the shift pathway?

1 point

Question 25

Which of the following statements is more accurate?

1 point

Question 26

According to this MOOC, which of the following elements of the 'smart city' notion is most likely to be addressed on a national or supranational level?

1 point

Question 27

According to this MOOC, what are the three main aspects of services integration?

1 point

Question 28

What is the main accessibility challenge for smart city services?

1 point

Question 29

What are social tariffs?

1 point

Question 30

According to this MOOC, if cities choose to finance new smart city infrastructure through the private sector, what must they do?

1 point

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