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Design And Analysis Of Algorithm(DAA) Practicals


Sr.Practical TitleAnswer
1Write a program to sort given elements of an array in ascending order using bubble sort. Analyze the time complexity for best, average and worst case. Solution
2Write a program to sort given elements of an array in ascending order using selection sort. Analyze the time complexity for best, average and worst case.Solution
3Write a program to implement heap sort. Solution
4Write a program to search given element from an array using sequential search and binary search. Analyze the time complexity for best, average and worst case. Solution
5Write a program to sort given elements of an array in ascending order using merge sort. Analyze the time complexity for best, average and worst case. Solution
6Write a program to sort given elements of an array in ascending order using quick sort. Analyze the time complexity for best, average and worst case.Solution
7Write a program to implement making change problem using greedy algorithm.Solution
8Write a program to implement the knapsack problem using greedy algorithm.Solution
9Write a program to implement making change problem using dynamic programmingSolution
10Write a program to implement the knapsack problem using dynamic programmingSolution
11Write a program to implement Floyd’s algorithm for finding shortest path using dynamic programming.Solution
12Write a program to implement chained matrix multiplication using dynamic programming.Solution
13Write a program to implement longest common subsequence using dynamic programmingSolution

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