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Artificial Intelligence(AI) Practicals


Sr.Practical TitleAnswer
1Working with Prolog.
a) Write a program for addition, Multiplication, Division and Subtraction.
b) Find maximum and minimum number.
2Study of recursion in Prolog.
a) Write a prolog program of factorial using recursion.
b) Solving Tower of Hanoi Problem using Prolog or Python
3Implement ‘Monkey-banana Problem’ using Prolog. Solution
4Study of List in Prolog. Implement programs of finding
a) member of list,
b) length of list,
c) insert element,
d) delete element,
e) Append list,
f) Concatenate list
g) union, etc.
5Implementation of Best first search or A* for solving AI problem (8-puzzle or Water Jug or other)  Solution
6Implement a program to solve N-Queens problem using Prolog or PythonSolution
7Solving Travelling Salesman Problem using Prolog or Python. Solution
8Solving Cryptarithmetic problem using Prolog or Python. Solution
9Implement Tic-Tac-Toe game using Min Max algorithm. Solution
10Use of Genetic algorithm for a given search and optimization problem. (De Jong’s function, Rastrigin functions, etc.)  Solution
11Implement text tokenization using python. Solution
12Case Study: Study of any AI system or real-time application. Solution

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