Create a class sample with members a and b of type integer. Write a friend function that takes an object as argument and calculates the mean of the two members.
#include <iostream>using namespace std;class Frnd;void mean(Frnd &a);class Frnd{int a, b;public:void setdata(){cout << "Enter Two Numbers : ";cin >> a >> b;}friend void mean(Frnd &a);};void mean(Frnd &a){cout << "Mean is " << (a.a + a.b) / 2;}int main(){Frnd f1;f1.setdata();mean(f1);return 0;}
Create a class complex that has two members of type float. Write a friend function that calculate the sum of the two complex objects and returns the result as an object. Demonstrate the working using a main function.
#include <iostream>using namespace std;class Complex;Complex Sum_complex(Complex &r, Complex &j);class Complex{float num1, num2;public:Complex(){num1 = 0;num2 = 0;}Complex(float a, float b){num1 = a;num2 = b;}void getdata(){cout << num1 << " + i" << num2 << endl;}friend Complex Sum_complex(Complex &r, Complex &j);};Complex Sum_complex(Complex &r, Complex &j){Complex sum;sum.num1 = r.num1 + j.num2;sum.num2 = r.num1 + j.num2;return sum;}int main(){Complex c1(1.1, 2.2), c2(1.4, 1), c3;c3 = Sum_complex(c1, c2);c1.getdata();c2.getdata();c3.getdata();return 0;}
For the complex Class, demonstrate the use of multiple constructors.Write a program to demonstrate the use of copy constructor.
#include <iostream>using namespace std;class Cpy_constructor{int a;public:Cpy_constructor(){a = 0;}Cpy_constructor(int x){a = x;}Cpy_constructor(Cpy_constructor &x){a = x.a;}void display(){cout << a << endl;}};int main(){Cpy_constructor j;j.display();Cpy_constructor i(3);i.display();Cpy_constructor k(i);k.display();return 0;}