Sr. | Practical Title | Answer |
1 | Write a program to that performs as calculator ( addition, multiplication, division, subtraction). | Solution |
2 | Write a program to find area of triangle(a=h*b*.5) a = area h = height b = base Write a program to calculate simple interest (i = (p*r*n)/100 ) i = Simple interest p = Principal amount r = Rate of interest n = Number of years | Solution |
3 | Write a C program to enter a distance in to kilometre and convert it in to meter, feet, inches and centimetre. Write a program to compute Fahrenheit from centigrade (f=1.8*c +32) Write a C program to read a number and check it is even or odd. | Solution |
4 | Write a C program to find that the accepted number is Negative, or Positive or Zero. Write a program to read three numbers from keyboard and find out maximum out of these three. (nested if else) Write a C program to check whether the entered character is capital, small letter, digit or any special character | Solution |
5 | Write a program to read marks from keyboard and your program should display equivalent grade according to following table (if else ladder) Marks Grade 100 - 80 Distinction 79 - 60 First Class 59 - 40 Second Class < 40 Fail Write a C program demonstrate functionality of calculator using switch-case. Write a C program to find factorial of a given number. | Solution |
6 | Write a program to reverse a number. Write a program to generate first n number of Fibonacci series. Write a C program to find the sum and average of different numbers which are accepted by user as many as user wants. Write a program to check whether the given number is prime or not | Solution |
7 | Write a program to evaluate the series 1^2+2^2+3^2+……+n^2 Write a C program to find 1+1/2!+1/3!+1/4!+.....+1/n!. Write a C program to display following patterns using asterisk (*). 1. * 2. 1. 12345 1234 123 12 1 2. AAAAA AAAA AAA AA A 3. 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 | Solution |
8 | Write a program to read array of integers and print it in reverse order. Write a program that adds two 1-dimensional array & store into third array. Write a program to insert and delete an element to/from desired position in an array. Write a program to sort a given array in ascending order. (use Bubble Sort algorithm) | Solution |
9 | Write a program for multiplication of two matrices. Write a program to find length of string without using library function. Write a program to concatenate two strings without using library function | Solution |
10 | Write a program that reads a string and counts occurrences of a given character. Write a program convert character into Toggle character. Write a program that checks whether the string is palindrome or not using string library function. | Solution |
11 | Write a C Program to demonstrate the use of inbuilt string functions. Write a function power that computes x raised to the power y for integer x and y and returns double type value. Write a calculator program (add, subtract, multiply, divide). Prepare user defined function for each functionality | Solution |
12 | Write a program to find sum of elements of 1-D Array using Function. Write a program that use user defined function swap() to interchange the value of two variable. Write a program to find factorial of a number using recursion. Write a program to generate Fibonacci series using recursion | Solution |
13 | Write a function which takes a two integer array as argument and give sum of these arrays. Define a structure to enter enrolment number, name of student and marks of the student in three subjects. Enter data for 5 students. Display grade cards of all students. Display student who has top rank in the class. Define a structure called cricket that will describe the following information: Player name, Team name, Batting average Declare an array player. Write a program to print name & team of those players whose batting average is greater than given value | Solution |
14 | Write a program to demonstrate the concept of union. Write a program using pointer and function to determine the length of string. Write a program to demonstrate the concept of pointer. Write a program to add elements of array using pointer. | Solution |
15 | Write a program to copy the content one file into another file. Write a program to demonstrate ftell() and fseek() for file handling. Write a program that compares two files and returns 0 if they are equal and 1 if they are not. | Solution |