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IOT(Internet Of Things) Assignments Solution

 Assignment 1:-

The Solutions of this questions are given in Document Below: 

  1. List down IoT Applications for Value Creations.
  2. Explain layered IOT architecture using figure.
  3. Define IoT. Explain Characteristics of the IoT.
  4. Explain Architecture of Internet of Things.
  5. Difference between cyber physical system and IoT.
  6. Difference between Wireless Sensor Network(WSN) and IoT.

Assignment 2:-

The Solutions of this questions are given in Document Below: 

1. What is MQTT? Explain working Principal of MQTT with Suitable Example.
2. What is CoAP? List down Layers of CoAP and explain in Details.
3. Draw and Explain Message format of CoAP.
4. Explain XMPP Protocols with Architecture.
5. Explain DDS Protocols working principal with Architecture.
6. What is BLE? Give various features of BLE.
7. Draw and Explain Architecture of BLE.
8. Draw and explain Li-Fi Working Principal.
9. What is Software-Defined Networking (SDN)? Explain Features of SDN.
10. Give the difference between IPv4 and IPv6

Assignment 3:-

The Solutions of this questions are given in Document Below: 

1. What is Arduino? Enlist and Define Various Components used in Arduino uno
2. What is Sensors in IoT? List down Common Sensors used in IoT.
3. Explain obstacle sensor working principal and interfacing with Arduino .
4. Explain GPS Sensor in IoT? Also interfacing of GPS Sensor with Arduino.
5. Draw and Explain 8051 Micro controller Architecture.
6. What is ARM? Draw and Explain Data Flow model of ARM.
7. Explain CPSR in Details.
8. Give difference between Microprocessor and Micro Controller.

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