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Machine Learning with Python : Coursera Quiz Answers 2023

Week 1 Quiz Answers

Practice Quiz

Question 1

Supervised learning deals with unlabeled data, while unsupervised learning deals with labelled data.

1 point
Question 2

The "Regression" technique in Machine Learning is a group of algorithms that are used for:

1 point
Question 3

When comparing Supervised with Unsupervised learning, is this sentence True or False?

In contrast to Supervised learning, Unsupervised learning has more models and more evaluation methods that can be used in order to ensure the outcome of the model is accurate.

1 point

Graded Quiz

Question 1

In a dataset, what do the columns represent?

1 point
Question 2

What is a major benefit of unsupervised learning over supervised learning?

1 point
Question 3

What’s the correct order for using a model?

1 point
Question 4

Which of the following is suitable for an unsupervised learning?

1 point
Question 5

The main purpose of the NumPy library is to:

1 point

Week 2 Quiz Answers

Practice Quiz

Question 1

Which of the following is the meaning of "Out of Sample Accuracy" in the context of evaluation of models?

1 point
Question 2

When should we use Multiple Linear Regression? (Select two)

1 point
Question 3

Which sentence is TRUE about linear regression?

1 point

Graded Quiz

Question 1

What are the requirements for independent and dependent variables in regression?

1 point
Question 2

The key difference between simple and multiple regression is:

1 point
Question 3

Recall that we tried to predict CO2 emission with car information. Say that now we can describe the relationship as: CO2_emission = 130 - 2.4*cylinders + 8.3*fuel_consumption

What is TRUE of this relationship?

1 point
Question 4

What could be the cause of a model yielding high training accuracy and low out-of-sample accuracy?

1 point
Question 5

Multiple Linear Regression is appropriate for:

1 point

Week 3 Quiz Answers

Practice Quiz

Question 1

Which one is TRUE about the kNN algorithm?

1 point
Question 2

If the information gain of the tree by using attribute A is 0.3, what can we infer?

1 point
Question 3

When we have a value of K for KNN that’s too small, what will the model most likely look like?

1 point

Graded Quiz

Question 1

What can we infer about our kNN model when the value of K is too big?

1 point
Question 2

When splitting data into branches for a decision tree, what kind of feature is favored and chosen first?

1 point
Question 3

What is the relationship between entropy and information gain?

1 point
Question 4

Predicting whether a customer responds to a particular advertising campaign or not is an example of what?

1 point
Question 5

For a new observation, how do we predict its response value (categorical) using a KNN model with k=5?

1 point

Week 4 Quiz Answers

Practice Quiz


Graded Quiz

Question 1

Which option lists the steps of training a logistic regression model in the correct order?

  1. Use the cost function on the training set.

  2. Update weights with new parameter values.

  3. Calculate cost function gradient.

  4. Initialize the parameters.

  5. Repeat until specified cost or iterations reached.

1 point
Question 2

What is the objective of SVM in terms of hyperplanes?

1 point
Question 3

Logistic regression is used to predict the probability of a:

1 point
Question 4

In which cases would we want to consider using SVM?

1 point
Question 5

What is a disadvantage of one-vs-all classification?

1 point

Week 5 Quiz Answers

Practice Quiz

Question 1

Which of the following is an application of clustering?

1 point
Question 2

Which approach can be used to calculate dissimilarity of objects in clustering?

1 point
Question 3

How is a center point (centroid) picked for each cluster in k-means upon initialization? (select two)

1 point

Graded Quiz

Give Me Answers If You have
Question 1

The objective of k-means clustering is:

1 point

Question 4

When the parameter K for k-means clustering increases, what happens to the error?

1 point

Week 6 Quiz Answers

Practice Quiz

Question 1

Which of the following is not true about Machine Learning?

1 / 1 point

Correct! Machine learning can learn without explicitly being programmed to do so.

Question 3

In which of the following would you use Multiple Linear Regression?

1 / 1 point

Correct! We use multiple linear regression when there is more than one independent variable for predicting a continuous variable.

Question 1

Which of the following is not true about Machine Learning?

1 / 1 point

Correct! Machine learning can learn without explicitly being programmed to do so.

Question 2

Which of the following is not a Machine Learning technique?

1 / 1 point

Correct! The common machine learning techniques are regression/estimation, classification, clustering, association, anomaly detection, sequence mining, and recommendation systems.

Question 3

Which of the following is true for Multiple Linear Regression?

1 / 1 point

Correct! This contrasts simple linear regression, which only uses one independent variable.

Question 4

Which of the below is an example of classification problem?

1 / 1 point

Correct! All of these can be phrased as a classification task.

Question 5

Which of the following statements are TRUEabout Logistic Regression? (select two)

0 / 1 point
This should not be selected

Incorrect. Logistic regression applies the sigmoid function that always returns a value between 0 and 1.


Almost correct! There are other true statements about Logistic Regression.

Question 6

Which of the following statements is true for k-means clustering?

1 / 1 point

Correct! All statements are true about k-Means clustering.

Question 8

What are some advantages of logistic regression over SVM?

1 / 1 point

Correct! SVM is unable to provide probability estimates of each class.

Question 9

Suppose you’d like to determine how a model performs on predicting the minimum and maximum temperature for a given day. Which metric is the most appropriate to use?

1 / 1 point

Correct! Root mean squared error is in the same units as the response vector, so it’s easier to relate information for the regression problem.

Question 1

What is the subfield of computer science that gives "computers the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed"?

1 / 1 point


Question 2

Which of the following groups are not Machine Learning techniques?

1 / 1 point

Correct! These are Python packages that we use to write machine learning algorithms rather than techniques.

Question 3

When would you use Multiple Linear Regression?

1 / 1 point

Correct! We want to predict the impacts of changes in weather and temperature on a continuous target variable.

Question 4

Which of the below is an example of a classification problem?

1 / 1 point

Correct! All of the above can be phrased as a classification problem.

Question 5

Which of the following is an example of Logistic Regression?

1 / 1 point

Correct! All of these are examples of logistic regression as they try to predict the probability of a binary response.

Question 9

Suppose you’d like to determine how a model performs on predicting the minimum and maximum temperature for a given day. Which metric is the most appropriate to use?

1 / 1 point

Correct! Root mean squared error is in the same units as the response vector, so it’s easier to relate information for the regression problem.

Question 1

Which of the following is an example of Machine Learning?

1 / 1 point

Correct! All of these are valid examples of tasks that can be accomplished with machine learning.

Question 2

Which of the following is a Machine Learning technique?

1 / 1 point

Correct! All of the above are considered machine learning techniques along with association, anomaly detection, sequence mining, and recommendation systems.

Question 3

In which of the following would you use Multiple Linear Regression?

1 / 1 point

Correct! We use multiple linear regression when there is more than one independent variable for predicting a continuous variable.

Question 4

Which one is not an example of a classification problem?

1 / 1 point

Correct! The amount of money spent is not a categorical target variable.

Question 5

Which of the following is an example of Logistic Regression?

1 / 1 point

Correct! All of these are examples of logistic regression as they try to predict the probability of a binary response.

Question 6

What type of clustering divides the data into non-overlapping subsets without any cluster-internal structure?

1 / 1 point

Correct! Other algorithms divide data into clusters of varying shapes.

Question 8

What are some advantages of logistic regression over SVM?

1 / 1 point

Correct! SVM is unable to provide probability estimates of each class.

Question 10

When do we use regression trees instead of decision trees?

1 / 1 point

Correct! Regression trees split the data based on features like in decision trees, but the prediction is an average across the data points in that node.

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