Write a program
to find the
largest of three
integers using a swap
function. The function accepts integer arguments by
#include <iostream>using namespace std;void swap(int *num1, int *num2){int temp = *num1;*num1 = *num2;*num2 = temp;}void max(int x, int y, int z){int max_num;if (x > y && x > z){swap(&y, &z);swap(&x, &y);}else if (y > z){swap(&x, &y);swap(&y, &z);}else{swap(&z, &x);}cout << "Number in decending order : " << x << y << z;}int main(){max(1, 5, 3);return 0;}
Design classes named Triangle, Square, and Circle. Make the
different function in each class to find areas of particular shape
#include <iostream>using namespace std;class Triangle{int bse, hig;public:Triangle(int num1, int num2) : bse(num1), hig(num2){cout << "Base and Height saved sucessfully : " << bse << " " << hig << endl;}double area(){double area = (bse * hig) / 2;return area;}};class Circle{int rad;public:Circle(int a) : rad(a){cout << "Radius saved sucessfully : " << rad << endl;}double area(){double area_circle = (3.14) * rad * rad;return area_circle;}};class Squre{int len;public:Squre(int a) : len(a){cout << "Length saved sucessfully : " << length << endl;}int area(){int are_squ = len * len;return are_squ;}};int main(){Triangle x(2, 4);cout << "Area of Triangle " << x.area() << endl;Circle y(4);cout << "Area of Circle " << y.area() << endl;Squre z(9);cout << "Area of Squre " << z.area() << endl;return 0;}
#include <iostream>using namespace std;class abc{char *ptr, b[20];public:void getdata(){cout << "enter any string:";cin >> b;}void display(){ptr = b;cout << "you entered:";while (*ptr != '\0'){cout << *ptr;++ptr;}}} obj;int main(){obj.getdata();obj.display();return 0;}