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How do I get higher marks in GTU/CVM exams?

 Ok.. i am studying under GTU/CVM… and i want to answer this question as per my experience.

You have to do smart work to get good marks in GTU/CVM or in any other University.

So basic tips are:

1. Try to understand the concept first because if your concept will be clear then it will be easy to remember.

2. good , neat and readable handwriting… this is the most important thing which will help you get marks more than you expect.

3.After clearing concept perform practical and understand it’s uses in the live application and think where it can be used or when can you apply this in real life. This is what real Engineering is.

4.While preparing for Exam keep book and pen with you and just draw a neat figure with appropriate labels (if needed draw 2 to 3 times) and write main points only.

5. draw neat and clean diagram with labels.. you can spend extra time on diagram than writing about that topic.. trust me , its worth it.

6. try to answer every question.. even though you dont know about it..try to write something related to it , maybe from that chapter. Your marks wont be deducted and in most cases you will get atleast 1–2 marks…

7. dont try to fill pages and write irrelevant thing. This will have two disadvantages -

(i) examiner will think you are stupid.

(ii) it will waste your time.

Just write whatever you know about that topic.

8. Be confident and don’t be lazy to write an answer and draw a neat figure with labels and highlight main points if you have spare time in an exam.


At last the most IMPORTANT thing:

Dont run behind good marks or compete with someone. Its not in your hands.. just work hard and give your best. After exam, maybe you think you will get AA or AB , but you cant be sure. You can get DD or CC also in the same subject. You may apply for reassessment, but in most cases grades wont change. Trust me, i am applying for reassessment in 4 consecutive sems, but always disappointed.if someone is getting good marks than you, it doesn't mean he/she is more capable than you. In the end its only the knowledge which will pay you, not your grades.

So only focus on getting knowledge, work hard and you will definitely succeed.


Top 6 Exam Preparation Tips for GTU Exam

  1.  Check Last Year Question Papers:
  2.  Clear Your Basics:
  3.  Do Not Mug Up:
  4.  Should Have a Command on English:
  5.  Presentation is Important:
  6.  Time Management

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